Monday, October 26, 2009

Recovering from other Windows XP boot errors

Like they say, windows XP can crash for no apparent reason. Besides the registry, the other likely cause of a crash is a corrupt boot initialization file (boot.ini). To recover from such an error, you may boot into the recovery console and execute the folling commands in sequence to rebuild Windows’boot configuration.

CD \

C:\> ATTRIB -H C:\\boot.ini

·         C:\> ATTRIB -S C:\\boot.ini

·         C:\> ATRIB -R C:\\boot.ini

·         C:\> del boot.ini

·         C:\> BOOTCFG /Rebuild

·         C:\> CHKDSK /R /F

·         C: FIXBOOT


That should rebuild the Windows boot configuration and allow you to log into windows, hopefully saving you from doing a repair install or a full fresh installation of Windows.

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